Thursday, May 9, 2013

I am suuupppeeerrr happy!!!

Hey there family!!!!
Well sorry I didn't get a letter off to you guys the last week. I was talking with dad and lots of people wrote me so I was trying to get letters off to all of them as well. Sometimes it takes me a long time to write to my President. But this last week has been amazing and then it got so much better when I read my email today. I AM SOOO HAPPY that Blake and his girlfriend are taking the discussions from the missionaries. He was actually my first victim from the mission but as it is that the other missionaries already beat me to it I am suuupppeeerrr happy!!! Oh and about the family home evening missionary style I am soo in! Tell them I will do what ever it is that they want me to do! But I will probably struggle with the English for a while.
So this last week I got two new companions one who only has one change in the mission and is new to the sector and the other newbie who just got here Tuesday fresh from the factory! One is from Equador and has one change in the mission and the other is gringita and is from Missouri! They are soo amazing! I was super nervous about having two new NEW companions but they are super good. I was also nervous about having a Latin and a new gringa but everything is going good so far. They really do come in now more and more prepared for the mission. They are more spiritual and willing to do the work. I LOVE IT! This last week we huge miracles take place since we put two new baptism dates with investigators and we found a family of gold!!! We found LOTS of new investigators and we are just hoping that this week they turn out to be people who are prepared for the gospel.
The family we found, we found them one day doing contacts in a new sector and we just happened to come up to one of the houses, we yelled HALO and a few seconds later a man came out to talk to us. He kind of seemed a little sketchy at first but I didn't get any bad vibes from the Spirit so we asked if we could sing a hymn for him his family. He said I`ll go ask my wife. Well he didn't come back for like two minutes so I thought that he had just left us outside without the intention of coming back so I yelled again, HALO. Well he came back and we entered the house and met a family that is soo amazing. We sang Families can be Together Forever and the mom got all emotional and said that she knew we were servants of God sent to help there family because they were going through a hard time and needed help. We prayed with them as a family on our knees and the mom started to cry with the overwhelming feelings of the Spirit. Really they are so amazing and I am soo excited to start to teach them.
Well time is up again, I love you all tell everyone that I say hi and that next week I will try to write to everyone. I love you keep reading your scriptures and praying. Out of small and simple things great things are brought to pass!!!!
Hermana Thacker

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