Saturday, April 27, 2013

Searching for Christ

Written March 25, 2013

Hey there family!!!!

For some reason time just doesn't EVER slow down, but here we are again writing each other. I'm glad that the week was at least a little bit slower for you guys and that everyone is doing ok. I want to know all the changes too mom, but oh well we are both out of the loop with the Shelby branch. But hopefully there are good leaders willing to work. By the way how is the branch doing? Are there lots of people attending now-a-days. And who else will be going out on a mission?
This week was pretty good, we found some good people to teach and are excited about one of our investigators that is really eating up the Book of Mormon. Now all he needs to do is go to church and he won't be able to deny that this really is the true church of Jesus Christ. Sometime I think that people just complicate things too much, but I have realized that Satan is so good at what he does that is makes it just that much more difficult for some people to recognize the Spirit and recognize the truth. With our investigator I think that he is sincerely searching to find Christ, which really was one of the things that called my attention, but now we just need him to understand the process repentance and the importance of God's authority in the earth in order to be baptized by immersion.

I am super excited about conference and I hope that you all find the time to watch all of the sessions!! They are all important. I read a really good scripture in Mosiah 2:10 I have not commanded you to come up hither that ye should fear me, or that ye should think that I of myself am more than a mortal man." I think...when King Benjamin is talking about the importance of listening to the words of the prophets. They are literally the words of why is it that sometimes we think that conference is a time to take a break from church? I hope that everyone is doing ok. Say hi to everyone for me!!! I love and miss you all!!

Love Hermana Thacker

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